Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Crazy Throns!

 The picture at the right was taken at Wildwood park. The thorns seem to be a big part of the ecosystem. Small animals like chipmunks run in there to escape predators. Plants have adapted thorns throughout their evolution. To keep animals from eating them, they grew thorns as a protection. Thorns have sometimes grown out of control and they are a pain, but just remember that they play a big role in ecosystems.
 The bush on the right may look like something you would love to jump in. But if you do, you will have some uncomfortable pricks in uncomfortable places. This is a thorn bush. It does not look like the thorns above, but that is on deception. like the thorns above, the bush adapted them survival. Unlike the thorns above, this bush has a more "branchy" look and feel to it. This may look like an ordinary bush, but looks can be deceiving...


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